Today was my daughters first trip to Ikea. She loved getting pushed around in her stroller and looking at everything and everyone. She made some growling noises, dropped her pacifier on the floor (tip: make sure to carry backups), the usual. :)
First off let me just say that my husband and I love looking at the rooms they have set up especially the kitchens even though we already have a new kitchen (we moved into our house last fall). We love our kitchen. It's perfect for the space that we have but there's something about those Ikea displays that make you want a bigger newer one. Lets just say they are very good at what they do. We get what we call "Ikea kitchen depression" once we leave that department. :)
Anyway, we got Little L a little bear who we call Sven (perfect for a Swedish bear). She loves it. I think she loved the tags on it more though. She does have another little "car animal" that she takes out with her, a little kitty to be exact, but it is currently in the wash due to a spit up incident. So now she has a back up friend.

So Ikea was fun. We ended up with some new bowls, a cute little container for tea, a milk frother for some lattes, a candle that smells like their yummy cinnamon buns and Sven. Not too bad considering we could have come out with a lot more. Everything is always so tempting even when you don't need it.